Сценарий урока английского языка в 11 классе по теме «Роль телевидения в жизни подростка.»





  1. Warming up.

T: Good morning, my dear pupils! Good morning, our guests! Today we are having quite an unusual lesson. You see a lot of new faces. But I hope that you’ll feel comfortable at this lesson and together we’ll try to make our lesson useful and interesting. Are you ready for work? Let’s start our English lesson. How are you today? Mary, you look so sad, what’s the matter? …

P1: I’ve got a bad mark.

T: Kate, how are you getting on?

P2: I’m fine. I am looking forward to the coming weekend.

T: Are you going to do anything special?

P2: Nothing special, I will have a short rest as this week was really tiring.

  1. Brainstorm.

T: When we are tired we need to relax, don’t we? In my opinion everyone has his own way to do it. Let’s look at the whiteboard, please. What are these people doing to relax and restore their energy? Give as many ideas as possible.

P1: They are eating.

P2: They are talking.

T: Do you think all these people have something in common?

P3: Yes, they are watching TV.

  1. Setting the topic.

T: Yes, you are right! They are all watching TV. Millions of people enjoy watching TV. They can’t imagine their lives without it. TELEVISION has changed our lives in many ways. Many people now spend more time watching TV than doing anything else. Researchers in the USA have found out that when most students leave school they have spent 11,000 hours in the classroom and 22,000 hours watching television. Here is the information about American teenagers.



How long?

Other activities?

During the week
6 am – 12 pm

15 minutes 

Have breakfast 

12 pm – 6 pm



Early evening
6 pm – 9 pm

3 hours, from 6 o’clock to 9 o’clock 


Late evening/night
9 pm – midnight or later

1 hour, from 9 o’clock to 10 o’clock 

Have a snack 

At the weekend
6 am – 12 pm

30 minutes 

Have breakfast 

12 pm – 6 pm



Early evening
6 pm – 9 pm



Late evening/night
9 pm – midnight or later

1 hour, from 10 pm to 11 pm 

T: As you see from the table the majority of American teenagers prefer watching TV in the early evening on their weekdays. They spend 3 hours glued to the TV screen and don’t do any other activities. At the weekend the situation is quite different. They spend little time on watching TV.

What about you? Does your daily routine differ much from that of American teens? How much time do you spend on watching TV?

P1: I usually watch TV 2 hours a day.

P2: I usually watch TV 4 hours a day.

T: What are you doing while watching TV?

P1: I’m eating while watching TV.

P2: I’m doing homework while watching TV.

T: When do you usually watch TV?

P1: I usually watch TV in the evening.

P2: I watch TV only in the morning.

T: I think now you are ready to name the subject of our conversation.

P1: It’s “The role of TV in the teens’ life”.

  1. The objectives of the discussion.


T: TV is a part of our everyday life. But what does it mean to each of you personally? Let’s brainstorm as many ideas as possible. Write down your ideas first in your worksheets and then on the whiteboard. Use the red colour if your idea is positive and the blue one if it is negative.

P1: I enjoy myself watching TV, so for me it’s enjoyment.

P2: Frankly speaking I don’t watch TV often. I think it’s a waste of time.

P3: I can’t live without TV. I must admit it’s like a drug.

P4: As for me my favourite pastime is watching something interesting on TV. It’s my hobby.

P5: TV brings violence into our homes, it’s a one-eyed monster.

P6: TV is a part of me, it helps me to broaden my mind, expand my knowledge of the world. It really makes me a well-rounded person.

T: Too many men, too many minds. So, can you tell me your definition of TV?

P1: We can’t but agree that TV is an integral part of progress. We can’t imagine our life without it; we can’t avoid it in our life. But it’s obvious that TV has both advantages and disadvantages.

T: But how can we change the situation for the better? How can we decrease the negative influence of TV? TV makers are not indifferent to this problem. The youth channel will start working in Grodno this summer. Today we are having a unique opportunity to express our ideas how to make the channel informative, thrilling
and entertaining. In what way is it better to do?

P1: We can do it in the form of a talk show.

P2: We can share our ideas on the internet on Grodno forum.

P3: I guess the best way to do it is to write a letter to the director of the channel.

T: It’s a good idea. Today we are going to continue to speak about the role of TV, its advantages and disadvantages, work out the recipe of a successful youth channel.

  1. TV preferences. Opinion gap.

I’m absolutely sure each of you has your own TV preferences in spite of your controversial opinion of TV I hope you desk mates are eager to learn about them too. Ask each other questions about your favourite TV programmes. The logical schemes in your worksheets will help you to do it. Then you are to share the new information with the rest of the group. I’ll give you 3-4 minutes.

P1: X’ favourite TV programme is “Clever boys and clever girls”. Pupils from different regions can take part in it and it’s very interesting to watch how they compete against each other. It also helps her to check her own knowledge of different subjects.

P2: A’ favourite programme is “Animal World”. She is interested in biology, so it expands her outlook and gives her a lot of additional information.

P3: As for B he likes to watch feature films because they just help him to relax and to escape from the problems in his life.

T: There is no doubt one of the most important things for a new youth channel is to make the right choice of programmes, which are popular with teens. What information will we include into our letter?

P1: Young audience is interested in such programmes as “Clever boys and clever girls”, “Animal World” and other educational and entertaining programmes.

P2: The best time to show these programmes is afternoon on weekdays.

T: Let’s write down our advice on your worksheets and on the blackboard. Don’t forget to use necessary grammar constructions in your speech.

(На доске учителем прописываются 2 совета: Young audience is interested in such programmes as “Clever boys and clever girls”, “Animal World” and other educational and entertaining programmes. The best time to show these programmes is afternoon on weekdays.)


  1. Disadvantages of TV. Listening comprehension.

T: What do you think parents can say about TV?

P1: TV is a drug for our children.

P2: There are many interesting and useful programmes on TV.

T: What do your parents say?

P1: I often argue with my mum. I often do my homework and watch TV at the same time. My mum is against it of course.

T: To continue the theme of our conversation I’d like to express psychologists’ point of view on the problem. They are sure that TV negatively influences a child’s development. Parents share this point of view too. Some of the parents were interviewed and now we will learn their views on the problem. While listening to the interviews match the speakers and their opinions.

Some of the programmes give false idea of the world.

1 speaker

There are hardly any worth watching and certainly none for teenagers.

3 speaker

The amount of violence on TV is a separate topic.

2 speaker

TV is good for introducing children to good literature.

4 speaker


T: I have a little son, who is keen on watching cartoons. Of course it’s good if they are instructive and kind. But we often discuss it with other parents, and I know they are against TV if there are too many commercials. It is tiresome and irritates everybody, as we have to watch a lot of advertisements about things we are not interested in. Children imitate violent behavior and crime techniques seen on TV. TV distracts children from doing homework and other useful things.

I’d like one of you to come up to the whiteboard and define the positive and negative sides of TV. What should TV makers take into consideration while working at a new project?

P1: I’m afraid, I’m not sure that commercials are really a disadvantage. Thanks to them TV develops; buys new equipment, invites celebrities to its programmes, buys the most popular films.

P2: I think there are a lot of good programmes that give us good educational information; they are presented in a way, which is very attractive to us.

Т: I think you’ll agree with me that every phenomenon has its pluses and minuses. We are all different and our tastes differ. We have the right to speak openly about advantages and disadvantages of TV but every time we must have certain valid arguments to support our point of view. Jot down some advice in your worksheets that you see on the blackboard.

  1. Relaxation pause.

Let’s rest a little! Look at the whiteboard and do the exercises.

  1. Advantages of TV. Text gap.

Not long ago I came across an interesting article about the role of TV in modern life. I hope it will be interesting for you to read the article, but some copies are missing some sentences. Try to find out the missing phrases. You have to work in groups and ask each other to fill in the gaps. You have 3 minutes to complete the task.

What is the main idea of the text you’ve just read?

P1: This text is about advantages of TV.

T: What advantages are mentioned in the text?

P1: TV is the biggest source of information.

P2: TV offers its viewers many programmes that combine entertainment and cultural enrichment.

P3: TV turns more and more often to social problems.

P4: TV is the device that brings the world into the home.

T: What useful advice can we include into our letter to make a new channel fully advantageous?

P1: TV should turn more often to social problems.

P2: TV enriches our knowledge through special educational programmes.

Т: As you see the advantages of TV overweigh the disadvantages and we must take it into consideration whether we like it or not.

IX. Role play.

T: You have been working very hard during the lesson and worked out a lot of interesting ideas about TV. Imagine that the director of our local youth channel has come to our lesson , he is ready to listen to your opinion and answer your questions. Misha, you’ll be the director of our local youth channel. Please, ask questions and give your advice.

P1: Hello, my name’s Michael. I’m the director of our local youth channel.

P2: My name’s Kate. I’ve got a question for you. What sort of programmes will the channel broadcast.

P1: Different kinds of programmes, such as entertainment programmes, documentaries, talk shows, educational programmes.

P3: I’d like to say that TV should turn more often to social problems.

P1: Thank you for your opinion.

I think there should be a lot of good programmes that give us good educational information.

P1: The members of our team are creative and educated young people. They are full of unique ideas. I hope they will realize all of them.

P5: After a working day we need relaxation and want just to tune into game shows or music shows, different series about the life of young people.

P1: I agree with you, we’ll try to do our best to follow your advice.

  1. Round-up.

Emotional reflection.

T: Now I’d like you to express your impressions about the lesson. And as usual we’ll make it with the help of our “WISDOM CHEST”. Take the cards and complete the sentences.

P1: The lesson wasn’t boring, because …

P2: I liked the lesson, because …

P3: The discussion at the lesson was fruitful, because …

P4: We’ve worked well, because …

P5: But we didn’t learn …

P6: I disliked …, because

P7: The most boring thing at the lesson was …


T: And now appraise your work and the work of your classmates.

P1: I think X was very active today.

P2: B has worked hard.

P3: We all did our best.

T: I’m quite satisfied with your work today. Your marks for the lesson are:

X, you were active, there were no mistakes in your answers, you get …

B, you made mistakes sometimes, you get

A, your answers were good, but sometimes you made mistakes, your mark is …

Home assignement.

T: On your worksheets you have a sample of a formal letter. At home you are to write your own letter to the director of a new youth channel. I hope you will include the best ideas concerning TV which we have pointed out in our lesson and express your own point of view as well.


The lesson is over. I’d like to thank you for your active participation in our discussion. Good bye!



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