Сценарий урока по английскому языку – THE STORY OF AN HOUR.


Everyone, at least once, heard a story when sorrow was so painful that a person having no force to endure it died because of heart disease. I want to tell you the story when excessive joy led to the death. It happened with my deceased elder sister. In my family, there were three daughters: Louise, the eldest one, Josephine and me (выходят Жозефина и маленькая девочка, они садятся на стулья, делают вид что разговаривают о чем-то непринужденном). When tragedy happened I was 7 years old but now I remember everything as it were yesterday (выходят тетушки и дядя Том делая вид что приветствуют сестер, становятся за ними).

Louise had been Mrs.Mallard for several years already, I and Josephine got used not to discuss their relations and them as a family. (Входит Ричард и делает вид, что говорит всем присутствующим ужасную новость, они шокированы). For many years Louise had been suffering from heart trouble and because of this we couldn’t decide who would tell her about her husband’s sudden death.

– (Aunt Melissa) (в ее тоне прослеживается высокомерие) Even being her aunt I would like not to tell her such unpleasant news.

– (Aunt Nora) (обращаясь к сестре, упрекая ту в равнодушии) In such horrible time for the whole family you still can’t show a little love to our poor niece.

– (Uncle Tom) (Дядя уже устал от постоянных споров своих сестер) Sisters, I beg you at least now stop arguing because of such trivia! We should make a decision!

– I think it would be better if I told her, – said Josephine in an unsure voice.

(Входит веселая Луиза и садится возле сестер, Жозефина не знает как ей сообщить новость)

But at the very moment we all jittered as if we were afraid of something terrible.

(Луиза начинает безудержно рыдать)

– (Josephine) (дрожащим голосом, постоянно запинаясь) My poor sister, remember we all love you … you always can rely on us if anything happens… there was a railroad disaster … this morning … your husband … he was there … unfortunately they couldn’t save him … don’t grieve … life goes on … .

– (Little narrator) (девочка не понимая почему сестра плачет спрашивает удивленным тоном) Louise, don’t cry … why are you so sad?

– (Richards) I am really very sorry, Louise. It is a terrible miss for all of us. You know Brently was my best friend and when I saw his name leading the list of “killed”, at first, I didn’t believe my eyes, but after having verified this new I didn’t feel the ground under my feet.

(Внезапно Луиза перестает плакать и говорит совершенно безразличным тоном)

– (Mrs.Mallard) Thank you for your support … I appreciate this … but now I would like to stay alone … please, don’t come in my room … I don’t want to see anybody … I hope you understand.

– (Louise) Are you sure?

– (Mrs.Mallard) I need to think what to do next.

We didn’t know what she thought about in her room but we hoped she wouldn’t hurt herself.

– (Mrs.Mallard) (Луиза смотрит в одну точку сквозь окно и восхищенно говорит) What an amazing sky … it is spring already … Louise, why don’t you note how beautiful the nature is in spring?! (опасаясь собственных слов) Are you crazy? (как-бы с упреком) Your husband has died and you think about the sky … how can you be so insensible? Brently was a good husband … I will miss him … I am really very sorry … what will I do without him … he was my life … he always told me what to do, what to say, even what to wear … (постепенно ее голос становится более уверенным) and now I will do everything myself, eat what I want, buy what I like and nobody will forbid my anything … now I am a hostess of my own life … (вновь как-бы коря себя за чувство облегчения) oh, my God, what I am saying … (наконец-то она больше не в силах скрывать радость) but what a pleasant feeling of being finally free … I am free now, freeeeeeeeeeeee.

– (Josephine) (мнется на стуле и говорит переживающим тоном) I worry about her, I am afraid she will do something to herself. Poor my little sister.

– (Richards) (стараясь успакоить Жозефину, гладит ее по плечу) Keep calm. Louise is an adequate woman.

– (Josephine) (не в силах больше сдерживаться кричит Луизе умоляющим тоном) I can’t wait more. Louise, please, open the door. I beg you. For heaven’s sake open the door.

– (Mrs.Mallard) (раздраженно) Is it so difficult to leave me alone? Don’t you see I am too despondent!

– (Little narrator) We worry about you.

– (Richards) Louise, try also to understand us. We are sorry for Brently … .

(Внезапно появляется Бентли)

– (Mr.Mallard) (удивленно) Why are you sorry for me?

(Все с удивлением смотрят на него)

– (Josephine) (не внемля себя от счастья) Oh, my God. You are alive!

– (Richards) (облегченно) Old chap, we thought you had died!

– (Josephine) My poor sister, she should know such great news. Louise, come out. (Все входят в комнату к Луизе). Louise … are you alright?

(Луиза лежит неподвижно на кровати с закрытыми глазами и улыбается)

Entered her room, we saw her lying breathless on the bed and smiling. At once we called for a doctor. (Ричард делает вид, что звонит доктору, заходит врач, осматривает пациентку). His diagnosis shocked everyone in the room.

(Все замерев, слушают доктора)

– (Doctor) (удивленно) In my experience it is the first case when a patient died because joy had overfilled him. What a terrible death!

Then a dumb show followed.


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